
The Mental Edge:
A blog for athletes and those who love them.

Kate Bennett Kate Bennett

Recognizing When Medications Might Help: Know When to Consider Working with a Sports Psychiatrist

When athletes face mental health challenges, they may or may not need medication support. However, when medications are warranted, working with a sports psychiatrist can be life-giving. So often, we stigmatize medication as a sign of weakness; however, making the choice to take meds and reclaiming one’s mental health is about empowering oneself to get back to enjoying life and thriving in sport

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Kate Bennett Kate Bennett

Types of Eating Disorders that Athletes Experience

Athletes face many unique pressures in sport which puts them at risk for developing eating disorders. Many athletes struggle with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and orthorexia. Each of these eating disorders has serious psychological and medical implications regardless of how an athlete looks.

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